Some of the Managed Care health plans that Corinthian Medical IPA is under contractual terms are as follows

The first priority of this network is to provide services of the best quality to patients, supported by a professional managed infrastructure.

Then, using both the strength of its organization and the quality of its services, Corinthian providers are in the position to benefit economically through contract negotiations and stronger relationships with the HMOs and other payers.

Providing guidance and direction

Corinthian providers are in the position to benefit economically through contract negotiations and stronger relationships with the HMOs and other payers.

Corinthian has business relations with many of New York’s HMOs. The IPA Physicians serve over 300,000 patients in our communities. We work in a very hands-on manner, providing guidance and direction to improve your practice

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Helping patients and healthcare providers since 1999

The Corinthian Medical IPA began its efforts in 1999, and has over 1,000 Physician members. The IPA is owned and managed by practicing community providers who understand the challenges in today’s Healthcare environment.

Meet the team behind

Ramon Tallaj, M.D. is a board-certified internist with 41 years of experience in the medical field. If you are interested in a face-to-face appointment with an IPA representative, please call to discuss the advantages of participation.

We welcome the opportunity to serve the community Physicians.


Ramon Tallaj M.D.

Chairman of the Board

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If you have any question for an enrollment packet to join us, please call our staff in office hours

1 877 632 6472

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1 877 632 6472